The manga series created by Kohei Horikoshi is nearing its conclusion. With the author announcing that My Hero Academia will likely conclude next year, every one-piece fan is eager to witness how Izuku Midoriya and the other heroes deal with Shigaraki and All for One. The studio has grown in size, and from there, they can view the U.A High barrier. While they arrive at the studio, Deku displays his damaged gauntlet to everyone. He inquires as to if he can repair it, and Mei inquires as to whether he is in a hurry. Deku demonstrates to Mei that he is serious but also impatient. Mei informed him that they would be unable to repair it in such a short period of time, and she revealed that the gauntlet was in poor condition and that they would have to rebuild it from the ground up.

My Hero Academia Chapter 339 Recap

Mei was also preoccupied with other concerns, and she lacked the materials necessary to repair and replace a few items. Mei exited the room, and Lida reminded her of her armor. However, she continues to flee, informing him that they can do so because she does not have the original records. Later, Mei is working on something, and when Deku confronts her, he sees a hologram of U.A High evacuation blocks. He was taken aback, and Power Loader admits that Mei was instrumental in establishing the barrier. However, Mei wishes to enhance security following the completion of a project and the addition of new features. Mei intercedes and demonstrates how her inventions function as heroic actions. She hurled the glove towards Deku, and they landed on his face due to his lack of focus. Mei confesses that it is not a duplicate copy but that she created it using her technology. She also provided Lida gloves, and he experienced the same thing. Mei smiles, confident that they would win the fight. On the other hand, Class 1-A, led by Mt. Lady, departs and states that their objective has not changed: they will continue to search for the League of Villains and Villains as well as the Liberation Army. The students become aware that Aoyama’s issue has not been resolved and wonder if they might assist him. Todoroki assured them that they would assist Aoyama since he knew what he desired. Fat Gum, Nejire, and Amajiki battle the criminals in the Kansai region while defending the civilians. Fat Gum stated that the impending fight would be huge, but the Kansai region is protected by numerous barriers. Meanwhile, Hawks and All Might enter a building. All Might reveals that he has gathered all of the materials necessary for their strategy.

My Hero Academia Chapter 340 Release Date

My Hero Academia Chapter 339 will be released on 9th January 2021.

Pacific Time: 9 AM on SundayCentral Time: 11 AM on SundayEastern Time: Noon on SundayBritish Time: 5 PM on Sunday

My Hero Academia Chapter 340 Count Down

My Hero Academia Chapter 340 Spoiler

The advent of “quirks,” or newly discovered superpowers, has been slowly expanding over time, with around 80% of humanity demonstrating talents ranging from element manipulation to shapeshifting. As a result, the rest of the world is rendered impotent, including Izuku Midoriya. The young middle schooler has longed to be a hero since he was a child. As a result of his unjust fate, Izuku admires and takes notes on heroes whenever he has the opportunity. However, Izuku’s perseverance looks to pay off: he meets All Might, the world’s greatest hero and his own hero. All Might’s skill is one-of-a-kind and can be passed down through generations, and he has chosen Izuku as his heir! Izuku enrolls in UA High following months of strenuous training. UA High is a prominent high school renowned for its superb hero training program, and this year’s freshmen appear especially promising. Izuku will swiftly discover what it means to be a hero as a result of his quirky but gifted classmates and the growing threat of a nefarious organization.

My Hero Academia Chapter 340 Raw Scan

Coming Soon….

Where to Read My Hero Academia Chapter 340?

To read My Hero Academia episode 340 for free, fans can visit Viz media’s My Hero Academia website, Manga-Up with Shonen Jump, or Mangaplus. It’s beneficial to read manga online for free from the official website since it benefits the creators and inspires them to create new, more engaging stories.